View Profile hoorayformeallright
I'm a pretty cool guy, I guess. Maybe.

Jim Izzle @hoorayformeallright

Age 35, Male

Leech Farmer

The Great White North

Joined on 6/25/08

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hoorayformeallright's News

Posted by hoorayformeallright - December 7th, 2008

I've got a bit of free time on my hands right now. My school's on strike and I've got nothing to do for most of the day.

I like listening to punk music. Before I got my tablet, I was working on a music video for an awesome song called "Titty Twister" by diesel boy. Maybe I'll work on that some more with my new tablet. I recall that it was going pretty well.

In the mean time, though, here's some crazy cats:

http://user.it.uu.se/~svens/larverna/n ormal.html

CatERPILLARS is more like it. No, really. It's literally more correct to say caterpillars. Just saying "cats" is misleading and factually inaccurate.

The purpose of this post was to trick myself into thinking that I actually care about Flash still. Hopefully it works. Sorry for wasting your time. My other two posts are more interesting. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Animator's Block

Posted by hoorayformeallright - July 15th, 2008

I e-mailed a few of my favourite bands asking if I could have permission to use their music in my next animation yesterday- and today, I got a response from none other than my FAVOURITE band, Gogol Bordello!

As soon as I got the message, I started converting my mp4a Gogol song into mp3 so I could put it into Flash. I'm that excited. This is gon' be awesome.

Anyways, here's a picture of the e-mail I got back, signed "gb." Pretty cool. I wonder if anyone in the band actually read it? Probably not. But it doesn't hurt to imagine so.

I like Gogol Bordello even more now

Posted by hoorayformeallright - July 13th, 2008

I just found out about this scientific theory called "Dunbar's Number" or "The Monkeysphere." It's pretty cool.

Basically, scientists have noticed that monkeys travel in groups that go up to almost exact numbers and no higher. For example, spider monkeys could travel in groups up to 120 (I made up this number). Once a spider monkey KNOWS 119 other spider minkeys, it will no longer care about other monkeys. If it meets one outside its monkeysphere, it will attack it!

So the scientist started dissecting monkey brains and apparently if you take the volume of the brain and the volume of the "neocortex" and plug it into this equation:

log(N) = 0.093 + 3.389 log(CR) (1) (r2=0.764, t34=10.35, p<0.001)

where N is the monkey group size and CR is the volume of the brain minus the volume of the neocortex (or something) you can figure out the group size!! Crazy eh?

SO THEN they tried it on a human brain, and OUR neocortexes tell us that the human monkeysphere is around 150. WHAT?!?!?! So we can only know 150 people before we just don't care anymore.

This whole monkeysphere thing might even relate to war, racism, careless driving, and other stuff. Something to ponder is that, according tothis theory, cities go against human evolution because we can't comprehend groups that big. Maybe this is why cities are a much colder environment than small towns- nobody opens the door for you, nobody says hello to you, etc. Interesting...


-A guy at my work named David

-http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkeysp here


I'm working on contacting bands to ask if I can make a music video for them. If that doesn't work I may have to buy a microphone and start making my own flashes... BLARGH

Oh well.

The Monkeysphere